ESPO brings New Networks on board

New Networks appointed to major public sector consultancy framework

New Networks is delighted to announce that it has been awarded a position on ESPO’s Consultancy Services Framework 664-17.  The framework commenced on 19th April 2017 and will run initially for 2 years, with the possibility of extension for a further 2 years to 2021.

The framework was competitively tendered, is compliant with all current UK/EU procurement regulations and has pre-agreed terms and conditions, making it very quick and easy to appoint suppliers.

Any public sector organisation in the UK, including local or central government (and associated agencies), schools and academies, blue light services, NHS organisations and charities can access this framework.

New Networks’ appointment is to two Lots – Lot 2c General Finance and Lot 10 – Strategic Projects.  These Lots cover the breadth of our activity, from managing and advising on strategic procurements, outsourcings and public-public collaborations through to individual service reviews, options appraisals and financial modelling.

More details about the framework are available on ESPO’s website:

You can find out more about what New Networks do and contact us at:

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07768 554527
