We Manage

Every public sector organisation has a supply chain and the financial environment means that these have come under scrutiny in the search for savings. Many are optimising commodity purchases. Others are attempting to extract better value from existing strategic relationships.

But we think there is also benefit in looking closer to home. We believe that if an organisation commissions from a diverse range of strategic relationships then it should take a strategic approach to managing them. A strategic client function contained within the corporate core allows service heads and managers to get on with the business of commissioning to deliver their own outcomes, whilst focusing the expertise required to:

  • procure the relationships efficiently;
  • ensure consistent standards and compliance;
  • generate insight for management and
  • identify areas for collaboration/efficiency/transformation.
Whether you are looking at an individual relationship or across the board we can help you save money, improve compliance and reduce the risk of non-delivery through

  • Individual client side design
  • Strategic Client function

For more information

Get in touch

If you would like more information please call or email us

07768 554527 enquiries@newnetworks.co.uk
